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Lead Products

Lead Products

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Lead Products is a major species in Lead processing. We are dealing with multiple types of Lead Products, like lead Wire, Lead Sheet, Lead wool etc. Native Lead rarely occurs in nature. It is usually associated with ore with Zn, Ag and Cu, and is extracted together with these metals. The Lead metal is primarily extracted from sulphide ore i.e galena (PbS), which has the 86.6% Lead content. Lead Sheet is an important product made from Pure Lead and Lead Alloy. Lead Sheet has major importance in chemical and related industries as Lead Metal being resistant against a wide range of chemicals. The high density of Lead Sheet and its “limpness” makes it a very effective material for reducing the transmission of noise through partitions and doors of comparatively lightweight construction. Often the Lead Sheets are adhesively bonded to plywood or to other building boards for convenience of handling. Current developments include a whole range of composite materials employing Lead Sheet for the reduction of noise in the industry and from engines of all sorts. Lead wool is made by scratching fine strands from the surface of a Lead disc. It is used for the caulking of joints in large pipes e.g. gas mains and in some specialist batteries, pipes, and apertures of walls and ceilings. 


Lead Sheet

Lead Sheet

Lead Wool

Lead Wool

Lead Wire Manufacturers and Suppliers

Lead Wire

lead glass manufacturers

Lead Glass